Tag: google+

Google: Do a barrel roll

Go to google.com type this into the search box: Do a barrel roll You may need to be running Chrome or a recent version of Firefox. Does not work in Internet Explorer 9, Safari 5.11 Enjoy.  Let me know if…

UnThink – The Anti-Facebook

See what you think about UnThink, a new social media alternative to Facebook ? Will it be the next Google+ ? Or is this unthinkable ? Forbes.com has an article, you can follow them on Twitter, and get a job…

Google +1 Plugin for WordPress

http://www.natemichals.com, http://cars.natemichals.com, http://drumming.natemichals.com and http://experimental.natemichals.com are all Google +1 ready ! You should see the icon above each post now. 🙂 http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-plus-one/