I don’t even know what to call this, but it gets my vote for awesome and creative:
Category: Photography
Photography related pages and posts.
Canon 15-85mm IS EF-S USM
Ken Rockwell gives this lens a positive review and says it’s his favorite lens for 1.6x crop factor cameras (Digital Rebel up to 7D cameras).
Matt The Samurai – Amazing fire art
This guy does some pretty amazing work. Seriously check out his page at mattthesamurai.DeviantArt.com Click on Gallery to see some cool stuff.
Snap now, Focus later – Lytro Cameras
Besides the article below, here is an article from Gizmodo. This is a really interesting technology referred to as ‘light-field cameras.’ They can allegedly take a picture and allow you to focus it later. Here is a hands-on review…
Candles – photo of the day
Photo of the day. Canon Digital Rebel T1i and Canon EF 50mm f1.8 lens. Manual focus set using digital zoom in live-view mode.