I went to see the DCA Championships in Rochester, NY on Sunday Sept 4, 2011. Here are some pics and video that I put together. Enjoy !
Category: Music
Music related pages and posts.
DCI update, Blue Devils on top
(repost from www.DCI.org ) Blue Devils are the new leader BD tops in field of 23 World Class corps at DCI Southeastern Championship in Atlanta By Darcy Wallace Sunday, July 31, 2011 – 3:31 AM Blue Devils Four corps…
UNT No 1 College Marching Band
Well, it would have been my alma-mater if I had actually graduated from there… I did march snare drum in that band for one year though ;D
short drumming improvisation
Getting back in the swing of practicing, after taking about 6 years off without even touching drumsticks. I added some captions and annotions during the video to explain a few things 🙂